Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Treasure of Heaven


Introducing my new eBook, The Treasure of Heaven!  Click on the cover to take you to the buy page.  If you have Amazon Prime, you can borrow the eBook.  The print copy can be found here.

This book means a lot to me.  I hope you'll give it a read.  The Church needs to learn how to treasure her Bridegroom!  \O/


Have you ever beheld the beauty of Jesus Christ?  Have you ever contemplated His worth?  Has the depth of the Atonement ever stirred your heart with profound adoration for Him?  Christianity these days has a low view of the Son of God.  Believers have forsaken lives lived with fiery conviction in favor of an easy, comfortable existence.  They pant after God’s blessings rather than panting for God alone.  As a result, the Church seems stuck in an endless adolescence, never moving on to deeper maturity in the faith.

The Apostle Paul wrote about a glorious Savior who’d captured both his heart and his mind.  The majesty of the Messiah was a reality to him, and a half-hearted commitment to his King was unthinkable.  What did Paul know about Christ that modern Christians do not?  What made him fearless and bold when he faced adversity?  How could he continue on, fighting the good fight, when so many painful things happened to him?  Simple.  Paul had discovered the Treasure of Heaven, the worth of Christ Himself.  Once that light had shone abroad in his heart, nothing else mattered but proclaiming Christ and Him crucified.  May we all discover this Treasure as well – the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

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