Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Love of the King

Long before the universe was spoken into light
long before the day was separated from the night
The Creator God foreknew it all and said, "I have a plan
for that wicked, sinful, selfish being known to Me as "man".

"For I love him and his offspring more than he'll ever know
yet when he dies he'll have no peace, to Hell his soul will go.
Therefore I must step in and save him, for I want him here with Me
But the price of peace is high--I must be nailed upon a tree."

So God the Father sent the world His one and only Son
To teach us how to live and to show what must be done.
But the rabbis and the priests had Him hung upon a cross,
and the men the Son had loved surely thought that all was lost.

But Yeshua HaMashiach, having the keys to hell and death,
returned to His lifeless body and took another breath.
In that moment Satan screamed, for Redemption had been won
As all Power and Authority had been given to God's Son.

Now the sinful, selfish man was covered by God's Grace
And he had no need for fear to look upon God's face.
But even though God's Grace is a gift He gives for free,
the sinful selfish man must claim, "Christ is the way for me."

He must cast aside his wicked ways; repent of all his sin
God wants for him a holy life, seeking only Him.
Now man's soul is bound for Glory, yet by faith, not his own might
God counts him blameless, holy, pure, on the finished work of Christ.

This is the mystery that confounds us, the very Love of God,
that our King stepped from His Throne, and among our flesh He trod.
And His Church faithfully follows Him, with no hate or lust or pride
Because the King is now our Bridegroom, and we, His spotless Bride.

All of Heaven is preparing for the Wedding that is to come
And God the Father will decide when all is said and done.
Then Christ once more will stand from upon His golden Throne,
To gather His lilies, those He loves, and bring His Bride on Home.

© 2015 by Becka Goings

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