Friday, March 27, 2020

Walking in the Power of God

What does it mean to walk in the power of God? Very simply, it is walking by the Spirit in faith and total abandon to our Lord Jesus Christ. I'm not talking about performing miracles, signs and wonders, or anything mystical. No. Rather, the power of God is given by God to the child of God to do the work of God. The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power (1 Corinthians 4:20). We can often recognize believers who are walking in the power of God, but we don't really know what it is about them that marks them other than a gut feeling.

Here's my own little list of ten things to recognize those upon whom God's favor rests, which is in no way exhaustive, and is in no particular order. As you read through these things, ask yourself, do these describe you? If not, what actions can you take to be a believer who walks in the power of God?

1.) They're serious about their faith.

First, this believer cannot be blase about the things of God. They think upon them all the time. In fact, they daily meditate on the truths of God and try to understand them as best they can. They are not legalistic, but they believe a true Christian should walk in holiness and godliness, and they strive to that end. They avoid sinful activities and worldliness as much as they can. They're often very deep, and once you scratch the surface, you wonder if you'll ever come to the bottom of their hearts. Sometimes, their seriousness can be a weighty thing, and to the frivolous Christian, they can seem daunting to talk to. This serious soul doesn't want to talk about surface issues, they want to talk deeper realities, Heaven, Hell, life, death, righteousness, and iniquity. Two realities exist for these believers. Either they are regarded as a deep well upon which to draw, or they are avoided all together. Why? Because their seriousness about Christ shines a spotlight on those who are not serious about Him at all. Those who wish to be more serious about Christ draw near, while those who don't care to get closer to Him stand intimidated.

2.) They're living in their gifting.

It is not prideful to know how the Lord Jesus has gifted you. A Christian who knows their gifting will use it for His glory. You can tell when someone is phoning it in, and you can tell when someone isn't. One cannot fake a genuine gift from Heaven without being revealed a fraud. A true gifting is no struggle, it flows out of these believers like a stream of Living Water. When everything they do prospers, then you know you are dealing with a Christian walking in the power of God. The Bible speaks of the "aroma of Christ", and when you witness a believer working in God's power, you know exactly what that means. It is a stunning thing, to watch our brothers and sisters live out what our Lord had planned for them in His Body, as if each one of Christ's children has a unique piece of their Lord to put on display. Sometimes, a believer doesn't know their gifting, but others will know, as those around them will see for themselves the obvious power upon them from the Lord God. 

3.) They're saturated in Christ.

For this Christian, every day is spent with Christ. Perhaps not every single moment, but most of them. These have forsaken the world, choosing only to feed themselves upon things that will edify. They've given up reading fiction, secular music, or watching TV for themselves, and only partake in these when among others who might still enjoy them. Again, this is not legalistic, this is not what they believe all Christians should do, but for themselves, they find no enjoyment in anything apart from Christ. Some of these believers live in a vacuum of godliness and therefore keep themselves saturated in Jesus to ensure they will not fall away. Keeping these things before their eyes keeps their eyes full of light, and their mind on heavenly things. Their entire worldview is shaped through the lens of Christ, and like the Puritans, they can find Gospel lessons in just about anything in everyday life.

4.) They pray without ceasing.

Just as they spend all day in the presence of Christ, these same believers are in a perpetual state of communion with Him as well. They constantly have an open dialogue with Christ in their mind. Their inner dialogue isn't talking to themselves, they are talking to Jesus. Always. If God brings someone to mind, these pray for them on the spot. It is as if Christ is walking next to them all the time. They never leave their prayer closets. While these believers do have a special prayer time set aside to specifically talk to God, they are not "done" talking to God when they say "Amen." It is to these who pray without ceasing, who always have a direct and open line to God every hour of the day, who are led effortlessly by the Holy Spirit.

5.) They're a giver of thanks.

This point is very important. Never do they steal God's glory for themselves. These believers are quick to correct anyone who praises them and points all praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. This isn't in pretense, either. This is no faked humility. This is genuine; they truly do thank Jesus in all they do. Every time you turn around, they are thanking Jesus. Every prayer opens with thanks, closes with thanks, and is filled with thanks. The providence of God is quite obvious to these, and they know that all good things comes down from the Father of Lights. They even give thanks for the hard times and their afflictions, as they know God will work these together for good, and it's the will of God in Christ Jesus for them.

6.) They're born to worship.

These Christians are worshippers. They don't merely sing and dance to have fun, although they do have fun, they truly worship God from the bottom of their hearts and put it on full display without fear of anyone seeing. Again, not for their glory, but because they are totally abandoned to Christ in that moment. Often, they can inspire others to worship more fervently and openly as well. These are like King David, so in love with their God, they don't care who sees, knows, or scoffs; they will raise their hands and shout all the more.

7.) They give all credit to God.

It is God who gives every good and perfect gift, therefore, there is no other source of blessing for these believers. Not only do they take no glory for themselves, but they thank God for the circumstances of life. There is no such thing as luck or karma. All is ordained by the Lord God Almighty, Sovereign over all, whether a meal, a new coat, or a raise at work, and therefore they tell others of these amazing things God has given them. Glorifying God for moving in their lives is tied very closely to giving thanks in all things.

8.) They're mighty in the Scriptures.

Like the Apostle Paul, the Bereans (Acts 17:10-11), or Apollos from the book of Acts (Acts 18:24), Christians who walk in the power of God know the Word of God. They have read it and studied it so much, it is written on their hearts. They seem to pour forth Scripture when they talk, and you likely don't want to get into a debate with them about the subject. They are able to argue God's truth from His Word and point you directly to the chapter and verse where you can find it written. They do not rely upon the chicken wings of daily devotions, but the steak and potatoes of deeper study. One of the ways they stay saturated in Christ is to meditate upon His Word, to ponder what they've read, and tie it to other passages or promises elsewhere in Scripture. Often, these believers will take notes in their Bibles, and you will find their margins full of their thoughts.

9.) They don't rely upon their own strength.

The power of God can't often be put on display if one is boasting in a strength of their own. These believers know they are weak, for God delights in using the weak to confound the wise. Not everyone's weakness will be with disease, old age, or some physical malady. However, God disciplines every son He receives, and those He uses in His power have been humbled greatly. Whatever project these believers set out to do, they know it is impossible to complete unless God is with them in it. Even when they are in their gifting, if God isn't moving along with them, they will struggle to complete the task. There is no room for boasting here. Our flesh is too accustomed to praising ourselves. Therefore this Christian is well aware that all work for God must be done by the power of God to have any effect whatsoever. And once the work is done, they give all glory to God and much thanks for His provision.

10.) They're ever-increasing in wisdom and knowledge.

Through prayer, study, and experience, Christians who walk in the power of God are increasing in wisdom and knowledge in the things of God. Those whom God favors only get better, stronger, and more gifted through the years as they're sanctified by the Spirit. They do not stagnate, they are always moving forward, climbing onward to the city of God. They might supplement their Bible study by learning of church history, reading old sermons, or reading books from men who have gone on before them. There is no such thing as knowing everything they need to know, so they are always learning, a perpetual disciple. They have a hunger to know their Lord, and they will not stop learning of Him until Christ calls them home to Glory.


These are some of the distinguishing marks of a Christian walking in the power of God. Notice how these marks resemble those Christians of the first century. Believers such as these are not content to merely show up to church, they hunger and thirst for their God and chase after Him with everything inside of them. He is their Grand Pursuit, their One True Love, the Great Passion of their lives. This is what separates them from the crowd and why others can tell there is something different about them. 

God is the focus of their lives, the driving force, the One for whom their passions ignite. He is not a part of their lives, He is their life. Every breath is the Spirit, every heartbeat is Christ.

The simple fact is this. God uses those who are sold out for Him. He uses people who take Him seriously, who look around this world and lament the many who are perishing. They have no use for wasting time, they want to work for Jesus and store up treasures in Heaven. God favors those who glorify Him in truth, who want nothing more than to glorify Him through their lives. Our Lord looks at the heart and can clearly see if this desire is true or feigned. If it is feigned, nothing one can ever do will be able to counterfeit the power of God. 

But if it is true, nothing can stop a Christian faithfully praising the One who is the Giver, the Sustainer, and the Creator of all things, for He is with them in power and great glory.


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