Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why am I Me?

When I was a little girl, I used to stare at my hand and ask myself, "Why am I me?"  A little profound for a little girl, but I wanted to know.  Why wasn't I someone else?  Why these parents; why this life?

The answer?

Because God willed it so (1 Corinthians 12:18).

God wanted me for His purpose, for such a time as this.  It pleased Him to give me certain gifts, to look a certain way, to have my personality. 

It was all for Him.

It humbles me that He willed me to exist.  It never ceases to amaze me that I breathe His air, eat His harvest, and live His life (Galatians 2:20) - simply because His will is for my heart to continue beating that I may advance the Kingdom of God.

Who am I that God thinks such thoughts of me?  That He planned all this for me?  That He wants me to be a part of His Grand Design?  Doesn't He know I'm forgetful?  Unfaithful?  Isn't He aware that I have a mean temper?  Can't He see my selfish streak or that I let people down -- all the time?

Doesn't He know I'm broken with sin? (Romans 3:10)

Of course He knows.

He came into the world to take my sin, to clothe me with Himself and give me His eternal Life (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Again, who am I?  Not even a mote of dust before His eyes and yet He condescends to love me with a fervent, passionate, everlasting love. (Songs 8:6)

"Why am I me?"

To be the object of His Love so that He will ever be the Object of mine.
(1 John 4:19)

Forever and always, Yeshua, You have my heart.  I love You. 

Praise the Lord.
